
Your Life is Beautiful!

Custom Portraiture Explained

How Custom Portraiture is Like a Trip to the Spa...

Imagine the difference between a shoulder rub from your beloved partner and a relaxing massage from a professional massage therapist in a spa setting. Of course you enjoy the shoulder rub. Your tense shoulders feel more relaxed and you enjoy the attention from your partner. But if you have ever experienced the hands of an expert massage therapist you know first hand the work of a professional. No doubt, the professionalism of this person was determined beyond the quality of the massage, but also by creating the right environment for your experience and providing great customer service. You left feeling happy and relaxed.

Family snapshots are to be treasured as much as that shoulder rub from your spouse. They capture the spontaneous joy of birthdays and adventures of family vacations, and create a visual history of your family through the years. Sometimes, though, you need a professional.

Instead of the full spa experience you could opt for something in between, something equivalent to a chair massage at the mall. Their services are adequate, the portrait quality usually good, and they are able to offer low prices on their portrait packages and sitting fees.

Custom photography is the full spa experience.

Yes, it does cost more, but you are getting a complete package. Like your spa massage, it is a greater time commitment as well, but well worth it. The custom photographer will have a planning consultation with you to help you chose the clothing you and your family will wear, props you may want, and determine the location of your portrait session. Depending on the style of your photographer, you will usually have a mix of posed and spontaneous shots taken. You will likely have between 20-30 proofs to chose from, depending on the length of your session. Your photos will be creatively edited and unique to your family. You will have many options to display your photos in your home and share them with friends and family. Everything from custom albums and gallery wrapped canvas prints to custom storyboards and custom framing. The whole portrait experience will be designed around your family's needs. Custom portrait photographers guide every aspect of your session; planning, getting little one's to cooperate, editing, ordering, and delivering your final product. With all of this individual attention, do you really want to settle for a chair massage at the mall?

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